The simple textile fabric that forms around the image is intended to be an
indirect timeline.
“That is why dance has represented a problem for colonization,
as it is a mode of political resistance or rebellion.
The dancers turn the stage into resistance to domination and a way of combating the absence of original cultures in history.”
Cenzontle was reborn to sing and live in freedom.
Like Cenzontle, women have been reborn and in the process have found their voice,
a voice that echoes in the ears of those who seek to silence them.
Fly and sing out loud!
In this project the artist fused her photographs and the textile world. The objective
of the project was to capture different natural places in Mexico in photographs
that would dictate a path of colors and textures represented with embroidery.
These pieces are part of a series that,
from the aesthetics of abstraction,
invite us to become absorbed in the sensitive dimension of the territory.
In this work, the fragmented image tries to
represent more than a specific woman, several
women, or the same collective woman. The
simple textile fabric that forms around the
image is intended to be an indirect timeline.
It will be woven with cotton and wool fibers
dyed with cochineal in the traditional way, as
well as synthetic fibers and other threads
frequently used in today's embroidery.
More than an effort to carry out an embroidery
in the traditional way, this fabric represents
the inevitable way in which the textile becomes
an inherited language, an intuitive act of
memory that already contains little of its
original value, but that continues to evolve.
Carrying the materials and the stories of the
women who were before.
© CEPE - todos los derechos reservados UNAM - Sudáfrica 2018 - Last update: 03/08/2020
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