In this project the artist fused her photographs
and the textile world. The objective of the project
was to capture different natural places in Mexico
in photographs that would dictate a path of
colors and textures represented with embroidery.
"My biggest source of inspiration is nature.
I love taking pictures and many of my creations are
influenced by the places I pass through
The way I relate to the garments I produce is as if they
were just another canvas, only in a different format
They are canvases where I tell stories and my
way of seeing life. Designed to be inherited
as they are one size, unisex and reversible.
The clothing part of my project Ofelia and Antelmo
was born because I wanted to honor how the
groups of native peoples all over the world
relate to clothing. A world where the construction of
the garments was reduced to squares and rectangles
because their main function was to protect
and wrap the body against all the adversities of
the outside world, and when worn they provided a
sense of belonging and communicated information.
In this garment, and in the project in general, I
seek to invite to stop and contemplate.
Creating canvases that create visual curiosity,
so much that makes you get closer and find out
what your eyes are seeing. At the same time
I like to think that in my canvases
I leave a record of my history".
© CEPE - todos los derechos reservados UNAM - Sudáfrica 2018 - Last update: 03/08/2020
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